Neighbor-to-Neighbor Fund (Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation): Neighbor-to-Neighbor provides emergency one-time assistance for local residents who are in economic distress. Neighbor-to-Neighbor makes small grants (generally around $500) to help those with overdue utilities, medical bills, short-term housing costs, and transportation problems. Checks are written to the vendor (landlord, utility company, pharmacy or mechanic) on behalf of the community member in need. The funds are not intended for long-term or ongoing assistance, but for strategic intervention to help achieve a measure of stability and avert further crises.
Regional Housing Rehab Loan Fund This Program provides no-interest loans to income eligible property owners for rehabilitation of existing homes. These loans would not need to be repaid until the home is sold, transferred, or refinanced. Eligible rehabilitation projects under this Program could include wells, septic, heating updates, plumbing repairs, electrical, roofing, and weatherization, such as insulation, window replacement, and siding. To be income eligible property owners must have household incomes at or below 80% of the area median income. For more information, contact Patrice McGrath, Town Social Worker, at 860-435-5187.
McChesney Fund (Salisbury Family Services) If you are requesting funding for your primary dwelling, are a Salisbury resident, and have no other viable financing options, you may qualify for an interest free loan for up to $20,000 from the McChesney Fund. This fund is administered by Salisbury Family Services (SFS). If you are interested, call SFS at 860- 435-5187.
Rent Relief – Low-income renters in Salisbury/Lakeville, 65 years of age or totally disabled, may be eligible for rent assistance from the state. For more information, please contact the Salisbury Assessor’s office, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am-4pm or at 860-435-5176.
Homeowner Tax Help – The Salisbury Assessor’s office will be accepting applications for the Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Relief program on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am-4pm, February 1 to May 15, 2016. To qualify, homeowners must have reached age 65 by December 31, 2015. Those homeowners on Social Security disability do not need to meet the age requirement, but must show proof of their permanent disability status and meet income limits for this program. Applicants are required by law to submit proof of 2015 income (Income tax return if filed) and their Social Security 1099 forms for the year 2015. The income limits for this year are: married $42,900 and single $35,200; this means all income including Social Security. For more information, please contact the Assessor’s office at [email protected] or 860-435-5176.