First Selectman’s Office

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:00pm, CLOSED for lunch 12:30-1:30pm
Phone Number: 860-435-5170, and 860-435-5171
Fax Number: 860-435-5172

Board Members:TitleTerm ExpiresEmail
Curtis G. RandFirst Selectman (D)2025[email protected]
Christian WilliamsSelectman (D)2025[email protected]
Katherine KieferSelectman (U)2025[email protected]
Emily EganAdministrative Assistant[email protected]


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Latest Posts/First Selectman Updates:

The Board of Selectmen is elected for a two-year term and the current term will expire in 2025. The office is located in Town Hall, on the first floor to the left. The Selectmen are responsible for the day to day and long term operations of the Town. This includes supervising other offices, coordinating town projects in process and plans projected into the future. As well, they may implement plans regarding the potential purchase of properties for the benefit of the Town. The Selectman’s office is open to all citizens who may wish to discuss anything happening in Town, or who may have compliments or concerns regarding town services. The office will also serve to refer citizens to resources available throughout the town, the state or on the federal level.