New Wave Rays – Regional Swim Team, Ages 7+

New Wave Rays Regional Youth Swim Team (Ages 7+)
Twice weekly practices: Saturdays 10:30-11:30am & Mondays 6:30-7:30pm
Fall 2024 Season: Sept. 28th – Dec. 16th
Winter 2025 Season: Jan. 6th – March 29th
at The Hotchkiss Pool
Swimmers aged 7+ who want to improve their speed, efficiency and endurance in the four competitive strokes. We will spend time learning and improving starts and turns as well as build racing speed. SWIMMERS MUST BE ABLE TO SWIM 25-YARDS OF FREE STYLE. All swimmers will be evaluated on the first day. If a swimmer does not pass, a full refund will be issued.
$250 per season – 10% sibling discount $225/each
For More Information: Contact Rick Shanley at
Coach Rick Shanley is a USMS certified Level 2 Coach and an Adult-Learn-to-Swim Coach. He is an accomplished open water swimmer, having competed in such events as the 10-mile Kingdom Swim and several 13+ mile swims in the Hudson River. He has been coaching the New Wave Rays since 2013 and the New Wave Masters (ages 18+) since 2020.