By Norman Rockwell
Town Clerk: Kristine Simmons
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Town Clerk: Jada Wilson
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: 860-435-5182
Mailing Address: PO Box 548, Salisbury, CT 06068
Town Clerk Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm,
Town Hall Closes DAILY 12:30 to 1:30pm
Appointments recommended for record searching in the vault
The office is on the first floor to the right of the main doors at Town Hall, 27 Main Street. This office is accessible to anyone who needs to research any vital record. Within the vault are land records, birth, marriage and death records, applications, licenses, warnings, agendas, and minutes relative to all Town Boards and Committees.
To Search the Online LAND RECORDS, Click HERE (https://www.searchiqs.com/ctsal/Login.aspx)
Click below for the following Request Forms:
Absentee Voting Information
Birth Certificates
Certificate of Adoption of Trade Name
Death Certificates
Marriages Certificates
Marriage Information Packet
On-line Voter Registration
Veterans Papers
Voter Lookup Tool
Dog License Renewal, use link below:
Dog licensing begins June 1st. If you registered your dog with us last year, you should receive a reminder in the mail. You may mail your renewal with payment and updated rabies certificate (if needed) to the Town Clerk’s Office, PO Box 548, Salisbury, CT 06068, stop in the office, or renew on line using the link below.
Dog License Renewal can only be renewed online from June 1 – August 31.
AFTER August 31st: Please visit the Town Clerk’s Office.
For more information please contact the Town Clerk’s office with any questions, 860-435-5182.

Effective December 1, 2017
The fee to record a document on the land records is $60.00 for the first page.
The $5.00 for each additional page and the $2.00 fee for conveyances over $2,000.00 remain the same.
The fee for filing a Foreclosed Property Registration is $60.00.
Nominee (MERS) fees have not changed and will remain at the flat fee of $159.00 for Releases and Assignments (when Nominee is the Releasor/Grantor), and $159.00 plus $5.00 for each additional page for other Nominee (MERS) recordings.
Volume 1: 1741-1844 General Index to Records (Pt. 1, Pages 1-395)
Volume 1: 1741-1844 General Index to Records (Pt. 2, Pages 396-790)
Volume 2: 1845-1899 General Index to Records
Volume 3: 1900-1927 General Index to Records
1928-1954 Grantee
1928-1954 Grantor
1955-1971 Grantee (Pt. 1, Pages 1-275)
1955-1971 Grantee (Pt. 2, Pages 276-566)
1955-1971 Grantor (Pt. 1, Pages 1-300)
1955-1971 Grantor (Pt. 2, Pages 301-542)
The Clerk’s Office has resources to provide information in many areas. There is a complete set of Town Ordinances, Planning and Zoning regulations, and current Connecticut General Statutes for in-office use.
Services available in the Clerk’s Office:
- Recording and Preserving Land Records, Maps
- Birth, Marriage, Death Records
- Dog Licenses
- Hawking and Peddling Permits
- Military Discharge Records
- Notary Public Records
- Trade Name Certificates
- Liquor Permits
- Hunting and Fishing Licenses (Click Here to visit CT.gov to apply online)
- Voter Registration (when Registrars unavailable)
- Issuing Absentee Ballots
- Maintain Town Meetings, Calendar and Notices
- Maintain Town Committee Minutes
- Petition Forms (See the Town Clerk)

Link to Fraud Alert: https://searchiqs.com/fraudalert/?CC=CTSAL
Town of Salisbury Launches Fraud Alert to Notify Property Owners of New Transactions
The Salisbury Town Clerk is providing a free new tool to help property owners protect one of their most valuable assets. With Fraud Alert, you can sign up to receive alerts whenever a document, such as a deed or mortgage, is recorded under your name. Documents can be viewed online or at the Clerk’s Office.
“This is an easy way for homeowners to have peace of mind,” said Town Clerk, Patricia Williams.
You can sign up now at https://searchiqs.com/fraudalert/?CC=CTSAL.
*Please note there may be other property owners in the town that share the same name.
Get email alerts when a document is recorded in your name at the Town Clerk’s Office.