Veteran’s Exemption

Assessor: Kayla Johnson 
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Assessor: JoAnne Dodge
Email: [email protected]

Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am-4:00pm 
Phone Number: 860-435-5176

Click Here For Application

Veteran exemptions: If you are a veteran or an active duty service member but are not currently receiving a veteran’s exemption, the first step is to file your DD-214 with the Town Clerk’s Office.   Your DD-214 must be filed by September 30th in order to receive the exemption beginning with that October 1st Grand List.  If you are not able to locate your DD-214 discharge paperwork, you may request a copy by visiting,  

If you served during a recognized period of combat, (Please contact this office to see if your service time qualifies as a “Eligible Date of War’) you could be entitled to an assessment reduction. If you are a veteran who was disabled in combat, you may be eligible for an increased exemption. A recent letter from the Veteran’s Administration that indicates the disability percentage must be presented in order to receive the increased exemption.